Micro-AV Social Purpose Corporation has filed for a patent on the MilliPod.


As we move forward with the next phase, we are pleased to announce that Micro-AV Social Purpose Corporation has filed for a patent on the MilliPod.

Micro-AV filed a patent today on the MilliPod, a city road train of 2-person, electric, fully automated microvehicles. The MilliPod services bus routes, with the lead vehicle human-driven. Passenger pods couple onto the MilliPod as it passes bus stops without stopping, thus providing faster trips but using 10 times less energy. Details will be presented at the 5th EAI International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems later this month in Lisbon, Portugal.

The full text of the EIA paper can be read in the following places:

Click here to read the full text on Research Gate.

Click here to read full text on SSRN.

Click here to read full text on ORCID.

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