Publications and Presentations


“A Driving Simulator for Micromobility”

presented to Transportation Research Board 2020 Conference on Sustainability and Emerging Transportation Technologies

“Teaching Self-Driving Vehicles Remotely”

Presented to SENCER Summer Institute 2020.

“Future Commute: Self-Driving Bicycles”,

Panelist, American Planning Association National Meeting, New York, NY, May 2017.

"Planning for Automated Vehicle Technologies”

Panelist, American Planning Association (APA) National Meeting, Atlanta, April 2014.

“Future Commute: Robots, Ropeways & Rat-rods”

Panelist, Oregon APA, Portland, OR, May 2014.


Folsom, T. C. (1990) “A Modular Hierarchical Neural Network for Machine Vision,” International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, Vol. II, pp. 897-902.

Folsom, T. C., and Pinter, R. B. (1992) “Computational Efficiency of the Gabor Transform,” in Proceedings of the IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Victoria, B.C., pp. 399-402.

Folsom, T. C., and Pinter, R. B. (1994) “An Interpretation of Image Processing in Striate Cortex,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, San Antonio, October.

Folsom, T. C. (1994) “Neural Networks Modeling Cortical Cells for Machine Vision,” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle.

Folsom, T. C., and Pinter, R. B. (1996) “Edge Detection from Cortical Filtering”, CESA ‘96 Vol. 4. Robotics and Cybernetics, Lille, France, July, pp. 932-936.

Folsom, T. C. (1996) “A Sensor to Measure Gap Width During Fiber Placement”, Second Conference on NDE Applied to Process Control of Composite Fabrication, St. Louis, October, pp. 93-102.

Folsom, T. C. (1997) “Edge Detection by Sparse Sampling with Steerable Quadrature Filters”, International Conference on Vision, Recognition and Action, Boston, May.

Folsom, T. C. and Bondurant, P. D. (1998) “Automatic Telemetry Frame Formatting”, Proceedings of the 44th International Instrumentation Symposium, Reno, May, pp. 415-424.

Folsom, T. C., and Pinter, R. B. (1998) “Primitive Features by Steering, Quadrature, and Scale”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, pp. 1161-1173.

Folsom, T. C. and Bondurant, P. D. (1999) “Noncontact Inspection of Internal Thread Forms,” Fastener Technology International, February, pp. 56-58.

Folsom, T. C. and Bondurant, P. D. (1999) “Non-contact Internal Thread Inspection,” Proceedings of the 1999 SAE Aerospace Automated Fastener Conference, Nashville, pp.71-76.

Folsom, T. C. (2004) “Sparse Scene Sampling for Robot Vision”, Proc of 10th IASTED Intnl Conf. Robotics and Applications, Honolulu, HI, pp. 130-135.

Folsom, T. C. (2007) “Non-pixel Robot Stereo”, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing, April 2, Honolulu, HI, pp 7 -12.

Folsom, T. C. (2007) “The Open Urban Challenge”

Robotica 2007, April 27, Paderne, Portugal.

Folsom, T. C. (2008) “Robot Vision Without Pixels”

invited by Intnl J of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing.

Folsom, T. C. (2010) “Achieving 1000 mpg”,

Third International Conference on Eco Efficiency, Egmond-aan-Zee, Netherlands, June 2010.

Folsom, T. C. (2011) “Social Ramifications of Autonomous Urban Land Vehicles”

Folsom, T. C. (2011) “An Invitation to a New Transportation Mode”, Proceedings(743) 16th IASTED International Conf.

Robotics and Applications, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June., ACTA Press

Folsom, T. C. (2012) “Energy and Autonomous Urban Land Vehicles”

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Summer, pp. 28-38.

David Socha, Tyler C Folsom, Joe Justice, Applying Agile Software Principles and Practices for Fast Automotive Development, Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol. 196, 2013, pp 1033-1045, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

T. C. Folsom (2013) “Self-Driving Tricycles”

International Bicycle Urbanism Symposium, Seattle, June 19-22.

T. C. Folsom (2013) “The Modular Bus”

Traffic Technology International, Aug/Sept.

T. C. Folsom (2017) The Goddess at the Helm: Where Technology is Taking us, and how Activists can Change the Course.

Available for Download on Amazon

T. C. Folsom and Rob Cotter: “Automation of Ultra-Light Vehicles”

IEEE Sustainable Technology Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Nov 12-14, 2017.

“Convolutional Neural Networks with Fixed Weights”

16th International Conference on Computer Vision,Theory and Applications, Feb 8, 2021.

Improved Bus Service on Ten Times Less Energy

EIA paper

Energy, Safety, and Autonomous Urban Vehicles